Looking Back- 2011

It unofficially and unexpectedly started in November of 2010 when my friend, Laura, asked if I would take some photos of her 1 month old.  She knew that I’d taken some photography classes earlier in the year and wondered if I’d try those new skills out.  I was thrilled… and slightly terrified.  My main subject had always been my little guy, Matthew, so photographing someone else– for real– was a big step.  A month or two before, my college roommate, Lauren, had been in town to visit from Texas.  “Why not start a photography business?  You could totally do it,” she told me as we brainstormed ventures I could undertake to benefit my family.  I scoffed at the idea, but I have to admit that the notion was planted.  Laura’s session request a few weeks later only furthered it.  Over the following months, there were times when I’d get discouraged and think that the business wasn’t a good idea.  Every time, though, something– or someone– came along to encourage me.   The funny thing is that this is how I know God is involved.  I’m not an entrepreneur in spirit.  Really.  If you had asked me two years ago if I’d ever start a business, I probably would have laughed.  I desperately needed the encouragement to get started, and those little nudges came at just the right time.

Fast-forward to 2011, where I slowly started talking to friends and family more about the idea.  I launched this website in May and began officially scheduling sessions.  I really didn’t know what to expect, but I started to get phone calls and emails from people inquiring about my availability.  I have to admit– it kind of shocked me how quickly it all happened.

Business is a funny thing, and boy have I learned a lot since starting one!  I don’t think I realized at the time that I would spend hours upon hours (upon hours) learning how to design a website.  I don’t know who I thought would be doing it, but I quickly realized that owning a small business means wearing LOTS of hats.  Here I am, several months later, and I have to say that I’m pretty proud of what I’ve accomplished and learned in a relatively short amount of time both business-wise and photography-wise.  I feel like I’ve gotten into a groove and am really developing my style. 🙂

At the end of every session, I usually know what photo is going to be my favorite– it’s the one that made my heart skip a beat when I quickly checked my screen while  shooting.  Sometimes I can just sense it as I see a scene unfolding.  Though my husband laughs a bit when I talk about ‘energy,’ sometimes I find it palpable.  Some moments just have that little extra spark– that burst of energy that pulls you in.  When I download the photos later, I practically beam with excitement because I can’t wait for the family to see THAT one.  Here are some photos from this year (both from clients and my personal photos) that are favorites in my book:

My personal photos:

This has been a big year for me, and I know very well that I didn’t do it all alone.  My husband, family, and friends really rallied around me and made this all possible.  I am so thankful for the lovely people I’ve gotten to meet and photograph this year.  Here’s hoping 2012 is full of both familiar and new faces. 🙂



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Middle Tennessee photographer of bumps – babies- children – families

Email: info@elizabethclementsphotography.com